RM08 JDC Bead Roller 22 Ga Sheet Metal Bead Forming Machine Rotary Machines HVAC Ductwork Machines
0.8mm/22 gauge mild steel capacity.
177mm/7” throat depth.
Manual crank handle moves the rolls and pulls the material through.
You can feed the material from the left or right of the machine.
2 adjustable depth stops (one on each side) help you make straight,repeatable lines.
Top knob lets you adjust the forming depth and bring the rolls together.
Comes with 6 forming rolls, popular for HVAC projects: ¼” turning, ⅛” turning, wiring, crimping, burring, and ogee beads.
Tooling changes are fast and simple. Base clamp can attach to your table or bench, or JDCoptional stand for RM08

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